Becoming a Member

Before becoming a member, the Cercle Belge invites you to visit its facilities.

The CCBL is located at No. 3, Avenue Kilela Balanda No. 3, in Lubumbashi, next to Carrefour Psaro). To make an appointment, call +243 818 151 111 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. You can also send a message with the green WhatsApp button on the right at the bottom of your screen.

Different formulas and annual rates are offered for obtaining the membership card.

  • Family Annual Membership
    Family: father, mother and children.
    Access to all sports and games.
    10% reduction on restaurant and bar prices.
  • Individual Annual Member
    A single person.
    Access to all sports and games.
    10% reduction on restaurant and bar prices.
  • Supporting Annual Member
    10% reduction on restaurant and bar prices.

The membership card is granted to all nationalities.

The menu of the Cercle Belge restaurant and bars